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Response from Quranic verse criticizing ex-wife Jaimah on PM's statement regarding veil


Response from Quranic verse criticizing ex-wife Jaimah on PM's statement regarding veil
 X-wife Jaimah on PM's statement regarding veil

''Tell the believing men to close their eyes and guard their private parts. "Quran'' 24:31''

Jaime Goldsmith "The responsibility is on the men," she tweeted, explaining her point. "I think it's a translation error or Imran Khan's speech Has been misrepresented because Imran, whom I know, used to say that the veil should be put on the eyes of men and not women....

Jaime Goldsmith (former wife of Prime Minister Imran Khan) tweeted this in response to the Prime Minister's statement on the recent rise in rape rates, which has drawn mixed reactions from the public....

Response from Quranic verse criticizing ex-wife Jaimah on PM's statement regarding veil

What did the Prime Minister say?

During a live question-and-answer session with the public, when a caller asked the Prime Minister about the prevention of sexual offenses, he replied: Imran Khan said that it is not enough to just make a law to prevent such incidents but for that the whole society has to play its role....The Prime Minister further said that the society has to decide that this is the destruction of the society and there are reasons for it. In today's society, if you increase pornography, it will have effects. Why is it forbidden in our religion? Why is the veil emphasized? So that no one gets motivated. 'He also said that' not every human being has enough power to stop himself ... The more pornography you increase in society, the more it will have effects....

Public reaction:

There has been a strong reaction to the Prime Minister's statement. Some users are regretting it and some are likening it to "victim blaming". A letter has been issued on social media against the PM's statement condemning the PM's statement and demanding an apology from him.....

"Prime Minister has shown the heart of the victims of sexual abuse" Maryam Aurangzeb's statement:

Leaders of various political parties have also criticized the Prime Minister's statement. PML-N spokesperson Maryam Aurangzeb said, “By making this statement, Imran Sahib has shown the heart of the rape victims and their families. He said that the statement made by the Prime Minister was "shocking to every conscious person". Is that it? '

Condemnation by the Human Rights Commission:

The Pakistan Human Rights Commission also condemned Prime Minister Imran Khan's statement linking rape to obscenity.....

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